Sunday, August 15, 2010

Back in Texas

Well I know that it's been about 6 years since I last updated the blog but have decided that I'm going make an effort to update the blog more frequently. As many of you that are reading this know, Erica and I have moved back to Austin, TX.

South Carolina was good to us and there are definitely things that we will and have missed but it is good to be back in Austin.

I am working at BancVue as a website consultant (or Relationship Manager as they call it). Since I love working on websites, I really am loving my job. Another great thing about my job is that I get to work with my brother. Not many people get an opportunity like that.

Erica is back at Emler Swim school as a manager. She is enjoying being back at the swim school, playing with kids everyday.

One of the biggest things that we have done since we've moved back to Texas is buy a house (2 weeks ago). For those familiar with the Austin area, our house is in Cedar Park. We are super excited about the new home but have a LOT of work to do on the house before we actually move in.

We will be updating the blog with lots of pictures as we progress on the house, since that is what most of our time will be spent doing. Hopefully you enjoy the pics :)

Front of the House

Back of the House


Master Bedroom

Deck view from Kitchen


Entry into living room

We are ripping out all the floors in the house and redoing them as well as painting the entire house so the rest of the pictures will be demo/painting.

Master with floors removed

Living Room

Another view of living room with the fridge obv.

Kitchen with floors removed. If you are asking yourself "Did they rip out hardwood floors?"
You better believe we did, cause we're awesome at life.

Kitchen view with floors removed. Also notice the new light :)

Entry with floors gone.

So we ripped up a lot of carpet.

Master after paint. Dark grey for those that can't see from my 10 year old camera.

Laundry room with paint.

Bathroom partially painted.

We still have a ton of work to do one the house but we've done quite a bit already. If anyone is ever in the Austin area and wants some manual labor we will put you to work immediately.

Yay for blogging again. Yay for being back in Austin, TX. Yay for football season starting up soon.


Lauren Culpepper said...

What are you guys doing with the floors? Staining the cement?

The Butlers said...

That was the original plan, but then decided it'd be better to lay laminate down.

Lauren Culpepper said...

I see. I just stayed at an Austin rental home that had stained concrete throughout and it was a really cool look! Congrats on the new home, it's beautiful!