Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kevin has a Job

We just wanted to write and let everyone know that Kevin has accepted a job with Assent, LLC as a proprietary equities trader (basically a day trader). Assent is located in Austin, TX so Kevin will be making visits down to Austin to meet the other traders and learn from them. For the most part though, Kevin will be working from home which is pretty exciting. Kevin will be studying for the next month for the series 55 and 63 and then will start working (yay more tests). Thank you everyone that has prayed for the right opportunity to come up.

1 comment:

Sarah Shalley said...

congrats! yayyyy! that's awesome! we're so excited for you. more tests? :( yuck-o. we know you'll do fantastic always do!

wish we were hanging out for the
4th. love ya'll.